Day 2 Vacation and Dreams

This vacation has been interesting so far. 

Several people have been throwing up so I'm worried that I'll get the bug.  I really hope I don't.  I'm trying to avoid close contact.

I've been helping my Grama refinish some chairs.  We cleaned and spray painted them today and tomorrow we might try to reupholster the cushions.

I also visited with my family for a while.  That was nice.  I went to my little cousin's second grade graduation.  Then I came home and made myself a bowl of hot ramen and relaxed for a bit.

I'm sleepy now.

Last night I had wild dreams most of the night.  Science fiction.  I was a recruit going to train in this camp to learn how to fight aliens and I was riding on a Hogwarts style train and I said to another recruit, "I really hope we get to learn magic."

Then I dreamed the sun came up too fast and we realized the earth had an increase of rotational rate and then Saturn suddenly got very close to us and started acting like a black hole.  It was sucking the planet slowly in.  So we were trying to figure out how to escape.  Somehow we got to Jupiter in pods and then we realized it was all for nothing because there was no way for us to live a long time on Jupiter because our supplies were just going to run out and we had no way to sustain more life.

Day 2 Vacation and Dreams Day 2 Vacation and Dreams Reviewed by Samantha Jayne Frost on May 30, 2019 Rating: 5
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