Amusing Verses

A canner, exceedingly canny,
One morning remarked to his granny,
"A canner can can
Anything that he can,
But a canner can't can a can can he?"

Carolyn Wells

As I was going up . the stair
I met a man who wasn't there;
He wasn't there again today!
I wish, I wish he'd stay away.

Hughes Mearns

Willie saw some dynamite,
Couldn't understand it quite;
Curiosity seldom pays:
It rained Willie seven days.

Author Unknown

Willie, with a thirst for gore,
Nailed his sister to the door.
Mother said, with humor quaint:
"Now, Willie dear, don't scratch the paint."

Author Unknown

In the family drinking well,
Willie pushed his sister Nell.
She's there yet, because it kilt her --
Now we have to buy a filter.

Author Unknown

There was an Old Man with a beard
Who said, "It is just as I feared!
Two Owls and a Hen,
Four Larks and a Wren,
Have all built their nests in my beard!"

Edward Lear

"Mother may I go out to swim?"
"Yes my darling daughter,
But hang your clothes on a hickory limb,
And don't go near the water."

Unknown Author
Amusing Verses Amusing Verses Reviewed by Samantha Jayne Frost on November 28, 2019 Rating: 5
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