Creamy Vegan Veggie Mac n Cheese

Today while I was waiting for my host service to restore my websites, I decided to cook something to distract me.  I decided to make a variation of a vegan mac-n-cheese recipe that I have.

To start the process, I put a pan of water on the stove and turned the stove on medium-high heat.  I added between one teaspoon and one tablespoon of salt to the water and a bit of vegetable oil, to keep the noodles from sticking together.

Once the water boiled, I added 16 oz (1 lb) of bowtie pasta.  I boiled it a little too long because I ran downstairs and got distracted with blog stuff, but it wasn't entirely ruined.  I quickly added about half a pound of broccoli florets, a chopped up red bell pepper and a chopped up medium onion.

I let it all boil on low heat for a few more minutes while I made the cheese sauce in my Vitamix blender.  After about four minutes, I turned off the stove and dumped the contents of my pan in a strainer to remove excess water.  I rinsed it with the spray nozzle of my sink to get rid of starches and excess salt.

Next I put the pasta in a serving bowl and mixed it with my cheese sauce.  Make sure that everyone is ready to sit down to eat before combining cheese sauce and noodles.  The mixture will only stay creamy for so long!

For extra flavor, chop up some fresh tomatoes and add to the mixture before serving.
Creamy Vegan Veggie Mac n Cheese Creamy Vegan Veggie Mac n Cheese Reviewed by Samantha Jayne Frost on May 16, 2019 Rating: 5
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