Tone of the Day

French Bull Dogs.  I never thought I'd dream about them.  I'm a cat person, that's obvious, since I'm owned by a large fourteen pound ball of fluff.  I wonder if Maui would be jealous if he knew I was dreaming of another specie.  The dream didn't start right into it.  First I was wandering around campus looking for a big enough apartment for me and all my art supplies.  That didn't go so well, because my brain believes campus dorm rooms are tiny, and reflects such beliefs in dreams.  So I wandered down the street, and I have no idea where I planned to go.  Some days, in dreams, I just wander and look because dreamscape is always brighter and more vivid than my imagination on it's best day.  Today I wandered down a street and there on the sidewalk sat a little French Bull Dog with a hundred dollar bill in it's mouth.  What oddness.  I took it.  I noticed he wasn't so good at keeping track of his finances.  Several more large bills were soaking up water in the gutter.  I even found a thousand dollar bill that had blown into a nearby bush.  Do they even make thousand dollar bills?  I ended up gathering quite a large wad.  At this point I struggled with the greed within, but finally decided to hang out and wait for someone to come get the Frenchie.  I approached the man as he loaded the dog into his truck and extended the wad of cash in his direction.  He didn't act surprised at all.  Instead he pulled out a child's wallet from the center console and stuffed the cash into it.  He thanked me for bringing the play money back and informed me that Frenchie would be out on the curb tomorrow giving it away all over again. 

I walked away puzzled.  That money seemed real.

When I opened my eyes and blinked, light came in the bedroom window and Maui chortled good naturedly as his pussy-paws poked across my bed spread.  I ruffled his feathers and looked at the clock. 

Yikes!  Eleven!  I flew out of bed and headed for the shower.  After that I did yoga, as per my daily routine and then I sat about figuring out what to do next.  A bit of food helped me think. 

I ended up painting a paper mache volcano with the help of a very curious George.  I mean cat.  I may or may not have painted his nose orange, for entertainment value.

Tone of the Day Tone of the Day Reviewed by Samantha Jayne Frost on December 30, 2019 Rating: 5
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