I dreamed there was this woman who was in charge of watching royal children
She left one tied to her motorcycle side car while she was in the store
I went in and she told me that she was to attend a hearing and that was never good
And that she was not going to let them give her badge to someone else
So she. Gave her detective badge to me
So now I am a cop in name only
I go out to check on this kid chained to her side car
Turns out there is crime scene tape all around
And a team has opened a bag of kiwis on the ground
But the kiwis are the size and shape of massive brown Potatoes
And one of the kiwis that was in the middle of the bag was unable to breathe and they were doing chest compressions on him
At this point for some reason my dad got hold of my badge by accident because it was in his trench coat pocket
Apparently he saw something in a pawn shop he wanted and traded the badge for it
I became belligerent at this point and cried and screamed and wailed at him for being so thoughtless and ending my career as a cop
While he maintained that it didn’t matter and that he did not care about it and that I was being ridiculous
I pretty much ended the dream in waves of eternal torment for not being able to be a cop or convince my dad that he’d ruined everything 🤔