Mancake comes in and asks if he can steal his mouse pad back from me and trade me a different one that is a different size. The one he has given me is massive and honestly doesn't fit my desk. It is always getting in the way, but I don't have anything else right now. A trade is acceptable.
I say, "Sure, I don't care what mouse pad I have, go for it." He goes over to where my desk is. It's across the room from where I'm sitting in my lazy boy in front of the big picture window playing on my laptop. He starts telling me about what he needs it for and why it's so much better that he have it because now his desk is the right size for a massive three foot mouse pad. I'm losing interest. I honestly didn't want it that badly in the first place, I just needed something because if I didn't get it from him, I'd have to order it off the internet and I didn't feel like spending the money.
I take a huge breath of air and purse my lips blowing the air out slowly while facing my laptop.
I blow my cursor right across the screen.
Brilliant, I think. I'm feeling pretty impressed with my new super power. "Honey! I think I just blew my cursor across the screen!"
He snorts and jiggles the mouse that's sitting on my desk. "That was me."