The Magic Football

So last night I sort of got caught up in a dream that was kind of like call of duty.  There was a war going on between two trashy looking, industrial cities.  Sort of like moscow and dubai or something like that.  A western city and a arab city.  Anyway, we were going through the dark alleys fighting the other side.  We had dart guns that knocked them out cold.  I think we were more looking for weapons than trying to kill them.  We finally started getting low on darts.  One of us got backed into a room and run out of ammunition.  So he barricaded the door and was looking around for something to defend himself.  All he found was this oval object that reminded me of a football.  It was grey, and looked like some sort of grenade you'd see in gears of war.  It was busy, not just a solid grey object...looked like there were gears and tubes running all over it.  Not electrical, but mechanical.  

So he picked it up and since it was pretty heavy he figured he'd heave it at whoever came through the door.  But when they burst through the door the object did sort of a counter clockwise turn in the middle and opened up with this extremely bright blue flash of light.  Everyone fell dead.  So he was feeling pretty lucky and when we all got back together we were trying to figure out what the object was.  We passed it around between us and pawed at it but nothing extraordinary happened.  It looked activated though because it had closed up and it just glowed a soft blue color and hummed.  Then the last person in our team showed up and when he walked into the room the object glowed red.  

So we tossed it to him to look at and it did this weird cell division like thing and in one half there was a weapon in a package.  So it was really cool because the weapon was exactly what he needed.  We all got weapons out of the football.  When we ran out of ammo we wondered what to do next.  I put my empty gun against the cold metal of the football and it melted into it. Then it spat out a new weapon with plenty of ammo.  

So after we were done for the night and the sun was coming up we went back to base.  We were all bloody and cut up from the fight.  We had to walk through security and I thought they'd tell me I couldn't come in because I'm a civilian.  but they let me through.  I figure it was because I looked beat up like the others.  So we went to this field where we were supposed to have roll call, but there were little kids playing all over it and our team leader was really annoyed by that.  He was all, "How are we supposed to do roll call HERE?"  

So then I wanted to tell you so bad about everything that happened but you were in training somewhere else.  So I called a friend to tell him what happened. I went into long-winded detail about everything and he kept saying uhhuh, uhhuh.  Finally I realized he wasn't listening at all but he was busy playing call of duty.  So I hung up.  Then I was going down the stairs when I realized that you were coming up the opposite stairs.  So I guess you got out for the day.  So I actually got to hug you and kiss you and you looked really good in the dream, although i think you looked a little too much like one of the wacky dudes in gears of war.  You had a big fluffy beard.  I kept telling you how handsome you looked.  lol

We went back up to my motel room but it was in a barracks where every wall was made of glass and there wasn't any privacy so we had to behave ourselves.  That was disappointing.  

Well, that was it.  I never saw the pretty football again.  I think maybe the government took it for research.  :)
The Magic Football The Magic Football Reviewed by Samantha Jayne Frost on June 22, 2020 Rating: 5
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