Last night I had a dream. I woke up and told my friends about it, then I went back to sleep. I had a second dream. This is the retelling of events as they unfolded.
The House
I was in a large house occupied by one of my friends and his buddha-bellied-buddy. My husband was with us. I believe they'd been having somewhat of a party as there were beer bottles and a small amount of food trashes laying around. We weren't planning to stay long.
I don't remember much of the conversation. I think at this point the party had already ended and my friend was soon leaving to go home. I looked around the house and found some magnetic photos. They could be manipulated into moving by using a magnetic stick on the back side. My friend was showing me how they work.
I went to the sliding glass door and looked out on the back yard. There was a little stone path through lush lawn that stepped down several times on a slope until it ended near a little shed. My friend whispered loudly, "If you decide to go out there, let me know so I can grab my shovel and come bury you." He must have left the room at this point.
My husband on the other hand had not left the room. He had planted himself firmly in the middle of this stranger's sofa and denuded his lower half. I did not make close observation of his behavior at this point but instead encouraged him strongly to repair himself. He didn't seem to think there was need, while I struggled to persuade him that acting in this manner in a stranger's living room was inappropriate. My friend walked by, without seeing us, into the nearby kitchen and got a glass of water. At this point my husband finally caught on and rapidly repaired himself.
Here I awoke and told my friend about the dream.
Computer Two
Before I fell back into sleep, I had a notion to contact my subconscious mind. I've had this notion for some time. I've had a few various ideas for how I would go about doing this. This time I simply repeated over and over the following phrase: "My phone is in my pocket, my phone is in my pocket." I repeated the phrase until sleep overcame me.
In the dream I was in a large hotel. I am not sure if I was just staying there or if I was living there. I was exploring and found a massive auditorium with huge screens all over one end of the room. One of my husband's coworkers tried to explain it to me, but he was busy and had to leave. At this point I noticed that my pants were totally shredded and just hanging on my body, so I decided to go back to my room for a new pair.
I couldn't find my room. At this point I decided the best choice was to ditch the shredded pants and just lengthen my shirt, which I did by some sort of magical power. Then I was bored.
I decided now would be as good a time as any for contacting my subconscious. Yes, in the dream I actually remembered wanting to do this. Of course, I still hadn't determined if it could be done, or how I would do it. So, naturally, I started where I left off. I repeated the phrase, "My phone is in my pocket, my phone is in my pocket." I did this several times, with firm desire. Then I felt my left pocket, but found nothing. I was severely disappointed. I thought to give up, but then decided to try it again. This time I checked my right pocket and found my phone!
I pulled the phone out of my right pocket and held it up to my face. I knew, from previous dreamscapes, that I could not use the dial pad to make phone calls. In a previous dream I discovered I could simply speak to my phone and it would obey me. So in this dream I said, "Call self." I can't be sure if I said that specific phrase, but the intention was clear. The phone responded. The phone rang once.
"Yes, congratulations you have reached Computer Two." The voice that answered was distinctly male, rather deep and brassy, sarcastic and a bit annoyed. I cannot remember the details of our conversation but it is possible we spoke on the wavelength of emotion and sentiment rather than verbal intonation. The impression I received was that he was exasperated with me, while also resigned, impressed and amused. Toward the end of the conversation I expressed a desire to speak to him in future dreams. His reply was a non-committal blurring of yes and no along with the phrase, "I cannot be saved." Upon which he hung up.
After he hung up I attempted to call him back to no avail. The dreamscape had gone all wobbly. He was trying to hide my phone from me, destroy it in piles of dirt and bar me from retrieving it by hanging me off the side of a muddy cliff.
When at last I circumvented his endeavors by obtaining a large ipad from my husband, he once again, interfered with my attempts to contact him or the outside world by hiding the contact list. When I attempted to use the technique of speaking to the phone, it suddenly would not obey me and called random numbers and people groups instead of calling the person or entity I signaled.
At this point I surrendered, recognizing the entity did not wish to converse further but did not want me to contact anyone else either.
I awoke, hot and covered in sweat.