Prisoner of the Quangocracy

I floated down the river on a jangada

Feeling like a miner on a break in the winze

Handling an elsin that I found in the boat

and counting out a handful of uvelloid pins.

I placed the coins inside a utriculiform

as I reached the shore and stepped onto the sand

I've disembarked on cacodemomania

and I note that egotheism feels grand.

A group of harpies practice latration

To whemmle me and take me to their chief

I hear the bourdon playing on the mountain

retral the harpies, I'm a kingpost, I believe.

Wearing maillot seems unwise in summer

it does not seem to dampen oblectation

perhaps they studied diplomatology

or they're holographic shadows of damnation.

The chief seems into idolomania

His quilombo is lined with figurines

He calibrates an X-ray with a qualimeter

looking through me, looking past me, so it seems.

I discover I'm a vacuist in moments

It is possible pistologists are right

Truth is difficult to prove once it's discovered

i'm learning omniana this night.

The harpy's wondermonger steps forward

Whispers lots of words between his hands

The chief is looking at me, looking through me

Looking past me, he can't seem to understand.

I am tossed into a bastion most foul

There are shouts and accusations on the fly

I experience theopathy and conversion

but his orthian speech breaks the spell of the sky.

For a polyhistor he has quite surprised me

I blend in like an argyll with the dishes

perhaps sthenia will find me after all and I

will once again swim among the fishes.

The harpies take some money and depart

I'm surprised he paid for something he can't see

peradventure he was scared of them or maybe

do the one-step, maybe he is scared of me.

maybe he thinks I have tumorigenic powers

I think he is pycnomorphous in the head

why not religate the creature in the bastion

let me roam about, invisible, instead.

I am in a demonarchy so it seems, in my dreams

quoad how I got here, I was tricked my xenurines

I experienced rheotropism and then I 

found the lamé that unravels in my dreams.

The chief is studying a lithoglyph

I am watching hoping he will never see

I am irrumpent and I am on a mission

While he thinks that he is somehow catching me.

His weakness is pteridomania

like a xenagogue I summon him to me

He can't see but he is uncate by my gaze

I roll leaves between my fingers setting free.

The odor is nonpathogenic but it

glazes his eyes like rhopography

and I find myself a little captivated

His power's weak but its lordolatry.

His cecity gives me an advantage

I reach between the bars and take the key

I wince at smelling his bromidrosis

It's laced with lusory hints of the sea.

I release myself from the prison and escape him

Still the xerotic air makes it hard to breathe

rebullition surrounds me and I feel trapped

Then carnifex lays hands roughly on me.

"You can't see me, how'd you catch me,"

I seek éclaircissement

"I won't tell you, I will show you,"

and his hands begin descent.

From my shoulders, to my elbows, 

to my wrists and to my hands

He whispers in my ear and then

I finally understand.

"You lost encraty and hastened 

to escape, to freedom flee

It is true I cannot see you,

but of course I see the key."

Samantha Jayne Frost


Prisoner of the Quangocracy  Prisoner of the Quangocracy Reviewed by Samantha Jayne Frost on April 13, 2021 Rating: 5
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